package q; import java.util.Scanner; public class Simulator implements Runnable { public static final int NR_SERVERS = 3; private int runTime; private int maxProcessingTime; private int minProcessingtime; private Queue[] q = new Queue[NR_SERVERS]; public Simulator() { Read(); for (int i = 0; i < NR_SERVERS; i++) { q[i] = new Queue(i); } } public void Read(){ Scanner scan= new Scanner(; System.out.println("Enter the minimum processing time of a task"); minProcessingtime=scan.nextInt(); System.out.println("Enter the maximum processing time of a task"); maxProcessingTime=scan.nextInt(); System.out.println("Enter the amount of time you wish this application to simulate"); runTime=scan.nextInt(); scan.close(); } public static void main(String[] args) { Simulator sim = new Simulator(); Thread th = new Thread(sim); th.start(); } public int selectQueue() { int min = 0; for (int i = 0; i < NR_SERVERS - 1; i++) { if (q[NR_SERVERS - i - 1].getNewServer().isEmpty()) { return NR_SERVERS - i - 1; } else if (q[i].getNewServer().queueSize() > q[i + 1] .getNewServer().queueSize()) { min = i + 1; } } return min; } public void run() { int currentTime = 0; int sel; while (currentTime < runTime) { int processTime = minProcessingtime + (int) (Math.random()*(maxProcessingTime - minProcessingtime)); Task t = new Task(currentTime, processTime, currentTime); sel = selectQueue(); q[sel].addTask(t); try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } currentTime++; } for (int i = 0; i < NR_SERVERS; i++) { System.out.println("Average waiting time for queue: "+i+" is "+q[i].getAverageTime()); System.out.println("Average service time for Server: "+i+" is "+q[i].getNewServer().getAverageServiceTime()); } System.exit(0); } }